What is the name of the company that provides chatbots like WhatsApp's chatbot for websites or apps?

There are many companies that provide chatbot services for websites or apps, so it's difficult to name just one. Some popular companies that offer chatbot services include:

What is the name of the company that provides chatbots like WhatsApp's chatbot for websites or apps?

  • Dialogflow by Google: A chatbot development platform that allows developers to build and deploy chatbots across multiple platforms.
  • IBM Watson Assistant: A chatbot platform that uses natural language processing and machine learning to create conversational experiences.
  • Botpress: A open-source chatbot platform that enables developers to create chatbots using a visual interface and code.
  • ManyChat: A platform for building Facebook Messenger chatbots, as well as chatbots for other messaging apps.
  • Chatfuel: A chatbot platform that allows businesses to create chatbots for Facebook Messenger and other messaging platforms without any coding.
  • Tars: A platform that allows businesses to create chatbots for websites and landing pages without any coding.
  • MobileMonkey: A chatbot platform for building chatbots for Facebook Messenger, SMS, and web chat.

These are just a few examples of the many companies that provide chatbot services. The best one for a particular website or app will depend on the specific needs of the business or organization.

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