One-Click Accept all Facebook friend request 2021 new tricks

One-Click Accept all Facebook friend request Confirm Friend Request on Facebook All At Once

One-Click Accept all Facebook friend request 2021 new tricks

Popular on Facebook? So you've got 100s of buddy requests pending in your Facebook profile, confirming them one after the other could be a ache. This small block of JavaScript code can prevent time and vitality.

Before we begin I wish to let you know that it is not assured this code would possibly work sooner or later. If Facebook's web site construction modifications, there is a chance that this code would possibly change into out of date, however that does not imply you should use a script to do this, we are going to work on a brand new script and replace it on the weblog.

But for now this code should work completely for confirming all the buddies request directly. Login to your Facebook profile and go to the pal requests web page the place you'll be able to view your pending associates requests, use both Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome or Safari.

Keep displaying up extra pal requests pending by clicking on "Show more" button till you attain the top.

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Facebook (JavaScript Code)

Copy the JavaScript code

And Paste the code on your chrome browser

One-Click Accept all Facebook friend request 2021 new tricks

Type this Javascript: Before

One-Click Accept all Facebook friend request 2021 new tricks

'INTER' Now Run The Code

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